Monday, February 21, 2011

Told you so

Don't say I didn't tell you that I would neglect this... because I did. Sowwy. I have been wretchedly busy with school work. It is the beginning of the 6th week of term (out of eight), so it's been just a tad hectic.

I'm at a point right now where I am pretty equally torn between looking forward to returning to California in April, and wanting to stay here forever. :) The wonder and awe of being here has worn off enough that I can feel the dull ache of missing the familiarity of home and all of the people I love that look forward to my return. But there are so many wonderful things and people here that I have become involved with and have come to love, and I know that I won't be able to see those involvements and friendships through to their full potential... and that also makes my heart ache. One of the most precious things that I have found here in Oxford is the small group that I'm involved with at St. Aldate's, the church I attend. I meet with these wonderful, uplifting, godly people once a week in Bible study and prayer, and then I generally see them at other church events twice more throughout the week. My time with them is invaluable and I cherish each one of them. God brought me to them, no doubt about it. One of the girls, Claire, actually just got baptized tonight! :) It was beautiful, and I'm so glad that I got to share in witnessing it. Another thing that I don't want to leave here is my upcoming involvement in a group of artistic, creative people that want to get together and create art through the Spirit. Dom, the guy that's organizing it, announced his idea for the group a few weeks back at church, and the idea resounded in me. I always try to dedicate my creative acts and works to God, but the idea of fellowship in the Spirit and art sounds amazing. We're meeting for the first time this week, and we may only meet every other week. If that's the case, that means I'm only going to meet up with this group four times. :( What a tease! It pains me that I cannot stay here to see these relationships and projects and growths come to fruition. *sigh*

On a much more superficial note, I went on a blind date two nights ago. XD It was a University sponsored event that you could sign up for, and they'd pair you with someone. When I got the notification for it in my email newsletter I thought, why not? I figured, how often do I have the chance to go on a blind date with a foreign guy in a foreign country? And if it turns out to be awful, I'm flying away in a couple months, ne'er to see him again. So I signed up for it, lol. The guy's name was Max, and he is studying PPE (philosophy/politics/economics). He actually isn't British, but German, and very cute. Beautiful brown eyes and not afraid of eye contact = yesplz, kthnxbye. I'm pretty sure they paired us up because I put on the little form that I had to fill out that I was studying Theatre, and one of the hobbies he wrote on his form was directing for theater, so that was really cool. Yay theater peeps! We met at a local ice cream shop and talked for 2+ hours about theater, politics, Christianity, the church, California, Germany, homosexuality, Oxford, travelling, art, and everything in between. It was surprisingly pleasant and not awkward. So yeah. Another thing to cross off the bucket list there. And for those of you romantics out there wondering if we fell in love and plan on seeing each other again, we didn't and we probably won't. It was just a pleasant evening getting to know an interesting new person with a fresh perspective on life, and nothing more. ;)

I've got to be off now. Time to make a presentation.
Future events to keep a sharp eye out for on facebook, Twitter, and here: day trip to Bath & the Cotswolds, Ne-Yo at the Union Society, day trip to London for my final art tutorial in the Tate Modern (!!!), finishing of the Hilary term, travel break to Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, and returning to Oxford for another three weeks of studies. :)

Until next time.
Grace and peace.


  1. It sounds like you're having such a splendid time! I love you!!

  2. Jeally! I can't wait until you come home to me :)

  3. You must have known I would ask how the date went. Lol! Miss you!
